Saturday, April 20, 2013

Think before you fly out!

I read this post regarding some guy commenting about people expecting the government to fly them back in the Philippines when it was their own choice to go to the country they were in, and labeling them as "squatters", that they should do community service once they get here.

Okay, a few things.

At some degree, I can understand the guy's comment.  You go out of the country in your own volition; you should be responsible enough to be prepared.  That's why most countries expect people to have money in their bank accounts--because they need to know if you are able to support yourself when you go to their country or not.  Besides, a lot of Filipinos make the mistake of trusting too much that when they get there, they find out that they've been had by an illegal recruiter, or they find themselves in trouble.

I guess it all boils down to people testing the waters first before stepping into the pool.  In this age of information technology, it's your own fault that you aren't educated on what you need to survive.  The problem with most Filipinos is they are easily blinded with the dollar signs and the prospect of being around with "foreigners" (which I really, really don't understand).

But things happen, and even the most educated professionals have no control over them.  War happens.  Violence happens.  When the Fates decide to kick you in the shin you really have very limited options, and it's no longer an issue of pride--you ask for help.

The reason some people leave the country in the first place, is that they know they can't provide enough to make a living with their skills in this country.  Do you realize how underpaid our blue-collared workers are?  Other countries would pay them triple, sometimes quadruple the amount we pay them for.  It's funny, really--a carpenter here in the Philippines builds beautiful houses and buildings but their own house is a dilapidated box of mismatched items scavenged from construction sites.  Hell, if I were a carpenter, I would definitely go somewhere else where all my blood and sweat will be compensated.

But calling them "squatters" is something really uncalled for.  People do things for a reason, and as long as they are not violating any laws, they shouldn't be called as such.  (Yes, squatting is against the law, because you built your house on a property that is not yours.  I will stand by that statement, no matter how many people may get angry with it.)

To sum it up:

  • If you want to leave your country, make sure you are leaving for the right reasons, and not because of greed and ambition.  
  • Next, you educate yourself on what things to look out for.  Don't be fooled with "success stories" you hear, because everyone's lives are different.  What worked out for one doesn't mean it will work out for you.  
  • Stop being envious of their new car or their newly renovated home.  
  • But if you still want to take the gamble anyway, be prepared.  Never go out of the country without enough money to send you back!  If you can't afford that much, then work and save, and then fly out.

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