Sunday, March 17, 2013

I know a lot of us have been called "old-fashioned" because of the things we really dislike that most people have been doing recently.

But for the sake of "peace", we just shrug it off...and blog about it later.  Ha!

1.  Attention seekers.  They're boisterous, noisy, arrogant, and most of the time they're utter and complete arseholes.  They spew negativity after negativity; they overreact and then they force you to believe what they think is right.

2.  FISH Philosophy.  Yeah, it's nice to be happy and enjoy playing while at work, but some people enjoy their PEACE AND QUIET, thank you very much.

3.  Power tripping over the damn internet.  Don't go Hulk at me over the internet about how awesome  you are and what a loser I am.  Let's take a look at what's happening to you IRL and what you have accomplished IRL.  If you can't even prove yourself with your deeds, just shut the hell up until you have any redeeming traits to back all that talk.

4.  Chronic complainers.  Especially when people start whining and giving up without even TRYING.

5.  Bad humor.  I do not find it funny when people find humor at the expense of someone else.  Oh, and this includes gossiping as well.

6.  People who do not wait in the damn queue.  I don't care who the f*ck you are, as long as you can't afford your own f*cking elevator, you f*cking wait in line.

7.  Loud, noisy people in small, cramped places, like the elevator or the washroom.  I don't think having fun is wrong, but at least show some sort of decency in frigging public.  And what's worse, the words that come out of these people's mouths.  Disgusting.  Even the way they talk, their choices of words, are just absolutely distasteful.

8.  Playing music LOUDLY.  Okay, this is fine if it's an occasional thing.  But playing music out loud every damn day, thinking that each and every person in the room likes that you're playing, is certainly very annoying.  Especially if you're TRYING TO WORK!

9.  The "Primadonna" / "royalty" behavior.  Your blood is still red, your sh*t still stinks, your bones are still white and you live and die just like anyone else.  Money, power, position or beauty doesn't give you the right to make people feel puny.  If you can't carry your own damn bag, then don't bring it.  You've got legs to buy shit from the store...or would you like me to cut them off for you?

10. Please, please, PLEASE throw your damn cigarette butts in the trash bin!  It's one thing you're already causing pollution and second hand smoking, but merely stepping on your used cigarette butt and leaving it there, or just tossing it somewhere is just disgusting!  I was a smoker for 10 years and I always make sure I don't litter.  It's common frigging sense!

11. Posting pictures / videos of you in slutty clothing / swimsuit / suggestive poses.  Look, I am pro on wearing what you want to wear, but some things are supposed to be for private viewing only!  It doesn't mean that you're on the beach that you already can post pictures of you on a two-piece bikini.  It may be good to everyone else, but to me it's like letting the whole damn internet world see how you look like in your undies.  What kind of self-respect is that?  And it's even worse if you are a BOSS in a company.  How the hell do you think your people would respect you if they've already seen almost every single frigging thing?

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