Saturday, January 11, 2014

Week 12: Your lungs will regain the capability to clean themselves.

The part where it says "your lungs will regain the capability to clean themselves."

This is true.

I remember when I first quit smoking.  I was horribly sick and my throat was itchy as hell.  But I was told by the doctor that the cilia in my throat all the way to the lungs is "recovering", hence why the sickness is part of the healing process. (More information here.)

I understand that you have supposed "benefits" from smoking, but trust me, none of those are true.  Have you watched a documentary about drug addiction lately? What they are saying is no different than what I used to say when I was still smoking.

I used to say, "smoking helps me relax."
Well, so does a weekly massage, drawing/painting, reading a good book or just watching a movie.

"Smoking helps me to stop and think."
...I am amazed at how some people cannot keep quiet for once and just think. Just go to a quiet place and think.  It's that simple.  If you want, you can be a-la House, with a ping-pong ball.

"Smoking just feels great after a good meal."
Yes, so does sliced melon or honeydew.

"Nothing better than a cup of coffee and cigarettes."
Yes there is. Coffee and revel bars.

I'm not writing this to sound condescending or to look down on others that are still smoking.  I know what whatever I say will ultimately go down into your "decision box" as part of the things you and only you can decide on.

But remember, there is absolutely nothing you will gain from it.

However, if you happened to be the person to decide to continue smoking, I just have one request of you.  PLEASE smoke in one designated area and NOT ON THE STREET (while walking, along busy areas, etc.)  I would walk along Emerald Avenue or Ruby Rd. at the office, and before I could even get into the building I ALREADY SMELL LIKE SMOKE.

Happy weekend!  And stop smoking already.